Discussions are WELCOME!
Start posting them HERE - they will spawn other discussions, too...
We want to hear from YOU...while we wait for Convention to begin, please feel free to post your dialogue here. What are you most looking forward to seeing? Any special coverage we can get for you? From the Dreamscapes opening event to the Mother Goose 'Lady G' Debut...to Lunch at the Daily Planet and the Ellowyne Wilde Banquet...and let's not forget the PJ Slumber Party and Farewell Brunch with a Disney Favorite...it's all about Dreams...so let us know what YOU want to see! Thanks for being a part of it all!
And don't forget to pass the word to your friends...we're watching the experiment to see how many people actually participate so we can expand it in the future. Its success depends on a healthy crowd of virtual attendees. Let your numbers be known...and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD to your online collector friends!
I've never played aroud with blogging before, so I'm not sure how all this works, but here goes . . . .
Bring on Lady G!!!!!! I've been absolutely dying to see this doll ever since she was first hinted at! Ball jointed? Great! Cinderella sculpt? Gorgeous! But what about her outfit? What will the re-imagined Mother Goose arrive wearing? Inquiring minds are just itching to find out! :)
Okay, more excitement from me . . . I can't wait to see Lois Lane & Lana Lang! I know that the Mera sculpt from last year's convention said Lois Lane on the back of her head, but I've heard that this is actually NOT going to be the final Lois sculpt. So, who is she? I'm really, really hoping we get two brand new sculpts for Lois & Lana. That would be so awesome! :) Anyone else looking forward to these two ladies?
I'm new to doll collecting, so sorry for the silly question, but where do you hear all of the dolly gossip? I haven't heard about Mother Goose. Can someone direct me to where I can catch up? TIA!
You can see some convention particulars on the Tonner Doll Co. web site, in the Convention 2008 section.
Hello everyone
To andrea1368 : take a look at
for every gossips about Tonner doll and somme others.
This is a fabulous idea and I will be checking in on a regular basis. I can't wait to see pictures from the event as it takes place. Bravo!
Hello! Looking forward to the Virtual Convention!
ALMOST TIME, can't wait. I am packing now. Which Tonner doll to bring, they all want to come.
I am signed up for everying, want to also cut doll eyes out! Sounds like THEREPY sessions to me.
BUY LOTS AND LOTS of RAFFLE tickets for the BREAST CANCER CHARITY RAFFLES, HELP FIND A CURE! Together we can make a huge difference and save a life.
Thank you Robert Tonner for another convention. I hope to get SUPERMAN, and Betsy's companion doll, HOPE SHE IS DRU!. Lady G,see you soon!!
dolly hugs, Debora - Alaska
I wonder how the convention theme, Dreamscapes, will play out. Will there be any new versions of Luna? That would be great! Or is she now a dead issue? One can dream!
i'm very curious about everything. I also hope someone can tell me when Sterling Kagiso will come out, the website says TBA but some sites say April.
Loving Tonner's dolls and wishing I could attend the convention!
I'm hoping for many pics of dolls and outfits, both close-ups and full length shots, please! Thank you.
I'm dieing to see the convention Ellowyne. Will a new friend or the long-awaited Rufus make their appearance?
Yes! Bring on Ellowyne! I'd love more and more friends for her too... it might cheer her up a bit!
Good luck Tonner Doll Co.!!
I am looking forward to seeing the Ellowyne Wilde doll. The convention dolls are always fabulous !
This is such a fantastic idea! So many of us could not attend this event for various reasons and now we can feel like we are participating. I would love to see a virtual tour of the vendors tables, maybe an interview or two of some of the vendors, pictures of the center pieces of the various events, just to name a few of the things that we are missing out on. I am sure many of us don't realize what all one could go home with that is all part of the registration fees. I know there are things that can be bought in addition to the registration fees. This might encourage more people to actually attend such an event in the future. Second best is this type of venue you are offering but there is nothing like actually attending I am sure. Thank you so much for thinking of us stay at home people.
OK, hope that changed things. Now this is really cool. I like this virtual convention because it is impossible to attend all the conventions I would like. Time AND money are huge restraints.
I love the Oz series and Harry Potter.
HI there everyone,
I head out on Tuesday to drive
to Anchorage Alaska, then do a little shopping before I fly to the
convention on Thursday! YEAH!
I am so excited to see all the convention dolls IN PERSON. I would love to see SUPERMAN at the
Dailey Planet! He would be a definate must have! BUT I want him BULKY! with true SUPERMAN FORM! Not just a Matt body but a SUPERMAN body!
Lady G will be COSTLY! ugg, worried about her cost. WHO HERE would pay $500 - $600.00 for LADY G
IF YOU had the chance to by her with the Cinderella face sculpt?
POST, yes and WHY, or
NO and why?
I want to here what your comments
as to what YOU all think about Robert Tonner's BJD/LADY G BJD CINDERELLA FACE and the alledged asking price - please.
If I get her, she will be my FIRST BJD and am back and forth on and off the buying fence. I have to say I am SCARED to pay that much
for a doll.
Am looking forward to seeing the convention. Sure wish it could be in person. I love all the dolls. Right now I am waiting for the new Pru. Thanks for going "live" for us here at home!
I too have never left a blog..But, I can say I am really sorry to miss the Tonner Convention. I have made most of them over the 10 years and I love the chicago area in the Spring. Last time there was one in the Chicago area my friend and I took some time to drive to Lilacia where they had a lilac festival. Just beautiful. Hope all of you at the convention have a wonderful time. I WANT ELLOWYNE!!!!!. She is my favorite Tonner Doll.
Thanks for the blog and the GREEN newsletters!
I am waiting for wigged out Prudence.
I hope to attend the convention someday but I appreciate your efforts to keep fans informed.
Isn't the world wide web just fantastic?
Shirley in Florida
Am I doing something wrong or are there no updates or "live" feeds to see the convention?
We are still in PRE - convention
but when the convention starts in
ONE WEEK from yesterday, you
will then be able to see feed
of the convention doings.
I do not know HOW it will work,
or what they will be showing but
I do know that the Tonner company really went ALL out too bring the
convention to AS MANY as he could.
This is really super nice and more than any other company has ever done to bring an event to his
doll collectors.
I am so glad that many who cannot go will be able to participate and see what is going on there.
Looking forward to this virutal convention - great idea! Thanks, TDC!
What are the odds of your Mother and your Mother in law both going in for second time mammograms in the same week with the diagnosis not looking good for either of them??
Well it happened to me this week! First I was told about my mother in law on Tuesday and on Thursday( my day of graduating college) My Mum told me about her! So nerves are kinda shot here~
SO PLEASE buy those Breast Cancer Raffle tickets!!! SUPPORT finding a CURE FOR CANCER~
thanks to anyone in advance who does~
I want to see anything and everything to do with Ellowyne Wilde! I can't wait for the new ones to be revealed!
I am SOOO excited to see all the exclusives, but especially Lana Lang!
Thanks for this option for those who cannot attend convention!
Lois and Lana sound great! I'd love to see them!
What I am most looking forward to are the DC dolls from the Daily planet. This line has been absolutely fantastic, and I love it. Can't wait.
This is our first Tonner Convention. We are very excited to be attending and look forward to meeting familiar and new faces. Please stop by and see us on the sales floor to say hello. David and I both will be very pleased to meet everyone.
Of course we'll also have a wide assortment of sewing patterns for Ellowyne, Tyler and American Models
We'll also be displaying the prototype garment for the original and exclusive Tonner Convention 2008 sewing pattern, created for Tonner American Models. Be sure to stop by and register for your chance to win this one of a kind dress.
Can't wait to see everyone there.
Gary Fletcher
Fletcher Pattern Company
This is our first Tonner Convention. We are very excited to be attending and look forward to meeting familiar and new faces. Please stop by and see us on the sales floor to say hello. David and I both will be very pleased to meet everyone.
Of course we'll also have a wide assortment of sewing patterns for Ellowyne, Tyler and American Models
We'll also be displaying the prototype garment for the original and exclusive Tonner Convention 2008 sewing pattern, created for Tonner American Models. Be sure to stop by and register for your chance to win this one of a kind dress.
Can't wait to see everyone there.
Gary Fletcher
Fletcher Pattern Company
Wow!! I'm excited about this new way to "see" the convention!! It should be exciting for those of us who can't attend in person... Thanks!!
Wow! I am virtually excited to be there with you! Really I am older than I look!
I am looking forward to seeing all the convention dolls and maybe getting some good gossip on forthcoming ones too, especially the Get Smart film dolls I heard about at CU. Thanks for putting this together for us!
I am sooooo glad to have this virtual way to be at convention. This is the FIRST Tonner convention I will be absent from. I really miss all of you and know Robert will be going all out for everyone attending and now with this virtual way to be there --- Thank You!!!
This a great idea for those of us who can't attend. Hope to see some pictures of events and, of course, the dolls!
I am so glad about this site too, just found out about it!! Nothing like participation!! Looking forward to the pics!! Just wish I could be there!!! Off to work!
I need that BJD Cindi...OMG,i can`t wait to see pics!
Great Idea, especially Living in the UK, it's is a little far away ;)to the action. Looking forward to the coverage :)
I'm looking forward to seeing the new Ellowynes, of course, and anything Tonner that wasn't at Idex! While I'm waiting for my pre-orders to be released, I'll snarf up any pictures I can.
Please do send pictures of the Betsy event!!
I am looking forward to seeing Lois and Lana, but can't wait to see Superman (I hope that they have a sneak peek at least) and OMG, I need/must have Flash soon.
Getting so excited.
will be there in spirit to jo[n in the fun
Julian in Atlanta
I am so sorry that you have been
hit with this tragic news about
your mother and MIL at the same time. Goodness. I am sure you
are scared and in shock.
In case you do not know this yet, I am doing a BREAST CANCER CHARITY AUCTION/RAFFLE at the TONNER CONVENTION.
RAFFLE TICKES ARE $1.00 EACH and you can DONATE MONEY too. We are raising money for BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND AWARENESS to help do our part to FIND A CURE!
You can donate also. I know that EVERYONE, even those not attending
can buy BC raffle tickets and
donate money to the charity.
Just thought I would let you know.
God Bless you sweetie, you and both your mothers are in my prayers.
Debora - Alaska
This is fantastic! I spend hours on the computer during conventionslooking for posted pics of all the happenings. Really wonderful idea and keep those gorgeous dolls coming!
just added a picture to my blog profile and am testing to see if it transfers thru. wish i was in chicago right now!
I tried posting a few minutes ago, so if it went through and I didn't know it, sorry! Just got my stubborn adorable 6 week grandson to sleep-maybe he knows I want to see what's up with the convention! I'm elated we get to do the onlune raffles! Elna
I absolutely luv Tonner conventions! I am bummed that I cannot attend this year but I plan to next year! And I luv Ellowyne and Tyler/Sydney fashion gals! Big huge fan right here!
Can't make the convention but I sure appreciate this opportunity.
If anyone reads this who is going to the Tonner Convention, can you please ask Robert to use swivel feet on all DC Stars (Male and Female)? They would allow for more realistic poses.
I am looking forward to Superman. Need Raven and Donna Troy's Wondergirl....
Wheeeeee! I can't wait to see Robert's BJD Cinderella! I am so excited about her!
I'm so looking forward to this, almost as much as if I were actually able to attend. What I'd love is to get a little bit of info about each convention doll, like what was the inspiration, and how was this design chosen over others, that sort of background, "insider" news.
Looking forward to virtual convention coverage, especially Lady G.
This sounds like fun. Next best thing to being there
I'm so excited about this! Thanks Mr. tonner for this very fun opportunity!
I would like to know if Matt has been officially exhiled from Tyler's lineup, or if he will be coming back anytime in the future.
I still feel he is the best male Tonner sculpt
I'm with Tracy! Bring Matt back! Well, he could have his jaw reduced a bit (LOL!) but there are those of us that love him! And, uh, could someone PLEASE stop with the big heads on the guys??? Please??????
I am sooooo anxious to see what Tonner has in store THIS time!! They keep things fresh and new. Keeps us collectors on our toes. How cool is it that we can sorta feel apart of the convention without leaving home? WAY cool in my books!! This convention hasn't even started yet, and I am already looking forward to attending October's.
Okay, this is my first post so I hope it works! Glad to be here and I am looking forward to all the pics and dolly news!
I'm looking forward to see how this all works. And of course all the convention dolls !
One last try to do this. Great idea if I can only figure out how.
When does the virtual convention begin?
I would really love to see the Tonner BJD unveiled!
It would be nice to get some instructions on how to blog for those of us who are technologically challenged. It has taken me a "long" time to get to this point!
This is a first time blooging experience for me too. I collect the Super-hero themed dolls. I'm dying to get my hands on the limited edition Harley Quinn but they are snapped up so fast on ebay.
Ack! When does it START, already? Give us a peek, pleeeease, even if it's just of the crowd at the registration desk, or of the dealers getting their tables set up in the sales room.
Please, please, please start soon! We're dying for any little crumbs of information or pictures you can offer us. The anticipation is awful! LOL
This is very exciting. I have never blogged before either!
Leave it to you Robert to bring all of us into the year 2008!
Jenny in WI
I am a collector of anything DC and am SUPERexcited about Lois, Lana and Superman. I MUST HAVE THESE TCFs!
In response to Guy West’s posted blog;
I would like to see the Teen Titans, as drawn by George Perez added to the DC Line Up. I would hope all would be 16" as the "teens" were really no longer teens at that point. In addition, it would be nice to see Black Canary & Catwoman. Of course, I am advocating for swivel feet for all. Its always good to have equity.
If anyone wants to add to this, please feel free to do so.
Whoo -hoo!!! This is fun!! It eases the pain of not being there in person. Hope everyone is having tons of fun.
First blog for me too, but here goes! I'm so excited about this virtual Convention! Can't wait to see the new Ellowynes, in fact EVERYTHING Ellowyne! Someone earlier mentioned a virtual tour of the vendors tables. That would be fantastic! And not just a sweeping glance, but "up close and personal" for all us dolly shopaholics out here!
Thanks, Tonner, for all your hard work in offering this to us!
Is it me or does the Ava doll in the registration bag look a bit like Gulch and the Witches?
Hi Magdalene;
I did not see Ms. Gulch or the witches in Ava's face. Although she may make an attractive witch - good or bad...
First of all, thanks to Tonner for doing the virtual convention via this blog. A very considerate thing to do for those of us who can't attend, and very exciting to see the news unfold in real time.
I'm looking forward to everything that will be shown at the convention, but am very interested to hear more about what characters will be added to the Ultra Basic line-up (LOVE the UB Ava doll!). I'm also hoping to find out if there will be new Chase and Voss models added, whether Matt, Russell, Carrie and Marley will be returning, anything that will be shown in Ellowyne's world, and also looking forward to the Lois Lane and Lana Lang dolls being shown.
Ok, now that I have seen the photo of Ava in the cocktail dress, I see what you mean Magdalene. There's a little Gulch action happenen' there. :)
I would love to see Mr. Tonner make a Wonder Woman line. The Cheetah would be a phenomenal doll! Donna Troy as Wonder Girl would be beautiful. Queen Hippolyta would be great. There are so many characters from Wonder Woman's character base that could be included. Not to mention a karate-chopping Mod Diana Prince in white (with white go-go boots!)
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